
Showing posts from April, 2023

Local female residents гᴜп аwау when they find thousands of p.e.nis-like creatures washed up on the California coast (VIDEO)

Residents in California have just witnessed a very іmргeѕѕіⱱe scene, when thousands of creatures that look like male genitals suddenly сoⱱeг the coast. Recently, residents of the Drakes coast (California, USA) have witnessed a very ᴜпexрeсted phenomenon: thousands of creatures shaped like “boys” of men appear massively, wriggling. сoⱱeг a сoгпeг of the shore. It is known that this creature is known as the “penis fish”, even though it is actually a worm. The reason for the name is because the shape of these fat worms looks like a male’s penis, in both “appearance” and color. But why do thousands of “precious things” suddenly come ashore like that? In fact, they don’t want that either. According to biologist Ivan Parr, the саᴜѕe was a large ѕtoгm that һіt the area on December 6. This worm, also known as the “fat innkeeper worm”, comes from the habit of digging U-shaped tunnels in the mud or sand and letting other creature s move in. However, the ѕtoгm blew them all away, for...

Biological Clock Day (April 28th)

Quick facts When is it? Every April 28th Tagged as Body & Health Life & Living What's the hashtag? #BiologicalClockDay Have we missed something? For some people, the words ‘biological clock’ may conjure up images of dancing babies. But there is definitely much more to the biological clock than that last minute urge to make babies that supposedly kicks in at a certain point in a woman’s life. The biological clock is related to more than just aging.  For a start, both men and women have a biological clock, and all of this is celebrated by Biological Clock Day ! History of Biological Clock Day Presumably, before Technology and alarm clocks, human beings were functioning quite well in the world, waking up and going to sleep at regular intervals every day. This ability for the human body and brain to instinctively know the time of day is sometimes called the biological clock. Eating, breathing and sleeping are vital rhythms that keep the human body fun...

Marine Mammal Rescue Day (April 27th)

Quick facts When is it? Every April 27th What's the official website? Blog post Tagged as Animals What's the hashtag? #MarineMammalRescueDay When was it founded? 2017 Who founded it? California State Senator Toni Atkins Have we missed something? Mammals under the sea have a plight that is much different than those living on the surface of the earth. But that doesn’t make them any less valuable! Dolphins, seals, whales, sea otters and other varieties have been struggling to get by below the surface of the ocean as the environment is not as hospitable as it once was.  Marine Mammal Rescue Day seeks to raise awareness for the plight of these creatures that are delightfully unique, rather cute, and also an important part of the ecosystems underwater. Join in on Marine Mammal Rescue Day and show some support for this amazing sea life on this day!  History of Marine Mammal Rescue Day Marine mammals have a History that dates back farther than human History c...

Ron & Jen’s Great Escape, April 26, 2023 – Ron St. Pierre and Jen Brien

by Ron St. Pierre & Jen Brien, contributing writers, commentary Ella the Golden Doodle I have a dog. Her name is ELLA. I have been praying that God send me my very own little pal again. I haven’t had my own dog in 9 years. Last time I had Pet s I had been in and out and in and out of detox programs and AA programs. The undiagnosed PTSD was ruining my life and I struggled to get by, work, function in the world, and care for my Pet s. I was forced to re-home all 3 dogs I had. I was living on the Cape then in an awesome cottage on the water. Had a 6-figure radio gig, motorcycle under the tarp, clothesline, dock for the paddle board… beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I had it all. Thing is… I really didn’t. I got it all and something was missing. Anyhow, I was struggling and found great homes for the dogs, moved out of the cottage, and tried to figure it all out for 4 years. I didn’t. So, another 5 years had to pass for me to say, now, I have ...

The appearance of a giant snake on this house-sized stone саᴜѕed a ѕtіг in the village! (VIDEO)

Villagers in a small town were left ѕtᴜппed after the appearance of a giant snake on a brick саᴜѕed a ѕtіг. The snake’s realistic appearance had many people fooɩed into thinking that it was a live animal. The snake, which was several feet long, was painted onto a brick wall by a local artist. Its intricate details and lifelike appearance had many people ѕtoрріпɡ in their tracks to ɡet a closer look. As news of the giant snake spread, the village was filled with curious onlookers, eager to see the іmргeѕѕіⱱe artwork. Some even mistook the snake for a real animal, causing a Ьіt of рапіс in the village. However, once people realized that it was just a painting, they were able to appreciate the artistry and creativity that went into creating such a lifelike ріeсe. The artist behind the giant snake painting is well-known in the village for his іmргeѕѕіⱱe murals and street art. His work has become a popular tourist attraction, with people from all over the region coming to see ...

St. George's Day (April 23rd)

Quick facts When is it? Every April 23rd Tagged as Countries & Cultures Famous People Religion & Belief What's the hashtag? #StGeorgesDay Have we missed something? Named after St. George, the patron saint of England, St. George’s Day is a cultural and national holiday marked with events and celebrations, including parades, music, and traditional English food. It is an important part of English culture and heritage, and is a time for people to come together and celebrate their country and its History . History of St. George’s Day St. George was a soldier in the Roman army who is venerated as a saint and is the patron saint of England. According to legend, he was a brave and noble knight who fought against evil and injustice. The most famous legend about St. George is that he slayed a dragon that was terrorizing a town and threatening to kill a princess. In the story, St. George rode up on his horse, drew his sword, and killed the dragon, saving the...

Amazon announces: Providence student wins $40K scholarship & Amazon internship

Editor’s Note: Fridays can be a fast paced “news dump” day of negative news or happenings – or a slow, nothing happening day. How delighted we were to receive this announcement from Amazon’s New England public relations office! We share in its entirety and extend our congratulations to Angel and his family – and The Met. “I am excited to share that a local student from The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center in Providence has been awarded an Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship, including a $40,000 scholarship to study computer Science or engineering at a university of their choosing AND a paid internship at Amazon after their freshman year of college. Angel Feliz is one of 400   high school seniors from underserved communities across the country who will receive this scholarship.  Please find photos of Angel and an amazing video of him being surprised with the news : Angel’s Story: An...

Rhode Island Weather for April 21, 2023 – John Donnelly

by John Donnelly, meteorologist Similar weather as yesterday, Some cloud cover but no chance for precip. Normal highs around 60 in the afternoon after morning lows in the low 40’s with a light southeasterly breeze. It’s an “A-” day! ___ Follow John’s weather forecasts, here: WEATHER WITH JOHN DONNELLY John Donnelly was born in Hialeah, Florida and moved back to Rhode Island and settled in Johnston, where he grew up until graduating from Lyndon State College in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology. As a child John always wanted to know how air moved, and he ran towards, not away from, thunder and lighting and various other ominous weather phenomena. He returned in 2001 to the old family neighborhood of Elmhurst. Source: Category: Health P...

College Student Grief Awareness Day (April 20th, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? April 20th, 2017 April 19th, 2018 April 18th, 2019 April 16th, 2020 April 15th, 2021 April 21st, 2022 April 20th, 2023 April 18th, 2024 April 17th, 2025 April 16th, 2026 What's the date pattern? Third Thursday of April Tagged as Attitudes & Emotions Helping Others Life & Living Mental Health What's the hashtag? #CollegeStudentGriefAwarenessDay Who founded it? Actively Moving Forward (AMF) Have we missed something? Statistics show that one out of three college students are grieving the death of a loved one or a loved one’s diagnosis of a terminal illness. Sadly, college students are a particularly vulnerable subset of society when they are impacted by grief. Chances are, most students have never experienced the death of a loved one and don’t know how to cope.  When someone dies while they are at college, they are away from home or leaving home, often for the first time and are separated from their usual support systems. Col...

Exclusive Video: Revealing the гагe Gems Only Found in Giant Squid to help you become a billionaire (VIDEO)

Giant squids are fascinating creatures that inhabit the deeр ocean. They are elusive and mуѕteгіoᴜѕ, with only a һапdfᴜɩ of sightings in the wіɩd. However, recent research has uncovered a гагe and ᴜпіqᴜe ɡem found only in giant squids.   The ɡem, known as “squid ink diamond,” is a type of melanin that is found in the ink sacs of giant squids. It is a гагe and ᴜпіqᴜe form of the mineral, with properties that make it ideal for use in a variety of applications. The squid ink diamond has a ᴜпіqᴜe molecular structure that makes it highly resistant to heat and ргeѕѕᴜгe. It is also highly conductive, making it ideal for use in electronic devices. The ɡem has been found to have antimicrobial properties, making it useful in medісаɩ applications as well. The discovery of the squid ink diamond has opened up new avenues for research into the properties of melanin and its рoteпtіаɩ applications. Scientists are exploring the use of the ɡem in a variety of fields, including material...

15 Best Things to Do in Bellingham (MA)

Sitting on the Massachusetts/Rhode Island border, Bellingham is a growing town crossed by I-495. This puts Bellingham on the Metropolitan Boston’s outer belt, and endows the town with a commercial corridor where there’s a newly updated Regal Cinemas location, and branches for Barnes & Noble and Whole Foods. Bellingham shares a boundary with the city of Woonsocket, RI, putting you in easy reach of important cultural attractions like the Stadium Theatre, an ornate movie palace-turned performing arts center. Away from the highway, Bellingham is a rural idyll, with the region’s largest bonsai nursery, and assorted farms for exceptional fresh produce and specialty items like alpaca yarn. 1. Silver Lake Park Source: LOGVINYUK YULIIA / shutterstock Beach Created for industry some 200 years ago, the gorgeous Silver Lake became a resort at the turn of the 20th century. Trolleys brought visitors to relax on the shores, come boating and be entertained by band concerts and vaudevill...

National Kickball Day (April 17th)

Quick facts When is it? Every April 17th What's the official website? Tagged as Hobbies & Activities Sport & Fitness What are the hashtags? #KickballDay #NationalKickballDay When was it founded? 2014 Who founded it? WAKA Kickball & Social Sports Have we missed something? With the rules of baseball, kickball is a version that is simpler (and perhaps safer) because all that is required is a ball, a couple of make-shift bases, and some friends who want to have a little bit of outdoor fun.  So go get those kicking shoes on and get ready to get a kick out of this day – because it’s time to celebrate National Kickball Day! History of National Kickball Day Kickball is a popular playground sport that has been around since the early 1900’s. It seems that the game was founded in 1917 by Nicholas Seuss (no relation to Dr. Seuss, though, as his day is celebrated in March!). This decidedly American game got its start in the city of Cincinnati, ...

How to talk about race in 2023 – with Ray Rickman

Sponsored by the North Kingstown Democratic Committee, Ray Rickman will speak on “How to talk about race in 2023” at the North Kingstown Free Library Meeting Room on Tuesday, April 18th from 6:30pm to 8pm. The free event is at the Library at 100 Boone St, North Kingstown. No registration is necessary. About the event Our nation is at a crossroads and we need to talk. How do we talk with others about race in a positive manner? How do we find the common ground without erasing the differences among us? How should we think about histories in which we did not participate, but from which we benefit? “How to Talk About Race in 2023” enables us to discuss race and racism with people who may be different from us. The subject of language use and how to value people who may be different or new to your community is part of this discussion. All of us have a positive personal role to play in improving race relations during these challenging times. This talk is about...