
World Tessellation Day (June 17th)

Quick facts When is it? Every June 17th Tagged as Items & Things What are the hashtags? #TessellationDay #WorldTessellationDay Who founded it? Emily Grosvenor, Author Have we missed something? Surely, there’s little more in the world more visually pleasing than tessellation – that wonderful, perfect effect when the same shapes can be repeated again and again to fit perfectly against themselves. Your standard tiled kitchen floor is a tessellation – but the patterns that can fit together get much more complicated than that! Even if you’re not a maths buff, you might be a sucker for pretty patterns – and if so, then today is for you! History of World Tessellation Day This day was started up for all pattern-lovers by a bunch of math fans, and a children’s book author. Emily Grosvenor, author of the kids’ book Tessellation! took it upon herself to make this a day to celebrate shapes and patterns of the repeated, tiling k...

World Juggling Day (June 17th, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? June 16th, 2012 June 15th, 2013 June 14th, 2014 June 20th, 2015 June 18th, 2016 June 17th, 2017 June 16th, 2018 June 15th, 2019 June 14th, 2020 June 19th, 2021 June 18th, 2022 June 17th, 2023 June 15th, 2024 June 14th, 2025 What's the date pattern? Closest Saturday to 17th June What's the official website? Tagged as Hobbies & Activities What are the hashtags? #JugglingDay #WorldJugglingDay Who founded it? International Jugglers Association Have we missed something? Swirling and looping, rising and falling, the juggler’s tools fly through the air with an elegance surprising in pins and rings, knives, and hatchets. World Juggling Day recognizes the fantastic feats of dexterity and skill required by their demanding art form. The types of things you can juggle and the styles of juggling are truly far and wide, and some of the most demanding don’t even require that they leave your hands. If you’ve ever been amazed by t...

Burghfield BoxKart Bash Day (June 18th, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? June 23rd, 2019 June 21st, 2020 June 20th, 2021 June 19th, 2022 June 18th, 2023 June 16th, 2024 June 15th, 2025 What's the date pattern? Third Sunday in June What's the official website? Official Website Tagged as Hobbies & Activities Sport & Fitness What's the hashtag? #BurghfieldBoxKartBashDay Who founded it? Burghfield Santas Have we missed something? Burghfield BoxKart Bash Day is a global celebration of the bonkers world of creating and designing non-motorized vehicles to career down hills, navigate courses and send engrossed crowds into raptures. A crazy, fun-packed commemoration of rustic racing at its finest, teams com Pet e in a dash to the line all in the aid of charity and personal pride. Now celebrated the world over, Burghfield BoxKart Bash Day is an ideal excuse to get together with creative chums, hone those DIY and mechanic skills and create a vehicular monster capable of leaving rivals in its wake. For ...

The Westerп Mediterraпeaп Laпdscapes are ѕtᴜппіпɡ!

It is freqυeпtly thoυght of as the рoteпtіаɩ savior of the Mediterraпeaп. Philaeis of Samos’ Kama Stra, which may have beeп completed as early as the foυrth ceпtυry BC, remaiпs shroυded iп obscυrity. She coпtiпυes to be a promiпeпt figυre iп discυssioпs aboυt the aυtheпtic editioп of the gυidebook “Joy of Ex,” which is credited to a womaп of excelleпce. Refereпces to her caп be foυпd iп more thaп a dozeп soυrces, aпd sectioпs from maпυscripts like P. Oxy. 2891, which was foυпd iп Egypt’s Oxyrhyпchυs aпd pυblished iп 1972, sυggest that she is the aυthor. The pleasυre of ѕ.e.x: Seпteпces aпd strυctυres “Philaeпis of Samos, daυghter of Ocymeпes, wrote the followiпg for those who waпt … life”, begiпs the work. The papyrυs preserves two adjaceпt colυmпs from the top margiп of the top of the scroll. It begiпs with a short prologυe iпtrodυciпg the aυthor aпd the pυrpose of their work, aпd the secoпd colυmп of the papyrυs begiпs with the title of the пew chapter, advisiпg sedυcers to ...

World Sauntering Day (June 19th)

Quick facts When is it? Every June 19th Tagged as Hobbies & Activities Relaxation What are the hashtags? #SaunteringDay #WorldSaunteringDay Who founded it? W.T Rabe Have we missed something? “I think that I cannot preserve my Health and spirits unless I spend four hours a day at least – and it is commonly more than that – sauntering through the woods and over the hills and fields, absolutely free from all worldly engagements.” Henry David Thoreau  The world around us is moving at such a hectic pace that we often forget to slow down and smell the proverbial roses. Even our walk is at high speed, pushing every inch of haste we can get out of what is otherwise the most leisurely of modes of locomotion. It isn’t just an opportunity for us to remember to walk. It is, more importantly, an opportunity for us to take a genuinely relaxed tack to the day, and choose to saunter. History of World Sauntering Day This holiday was formed by W.T. Rabe (fun fact: his son,...

National Take Your Cat to Work Day (June 19th, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? June 20th, 2022 June 19th, 2023 What's the date pattern? The first day of National Take Your Pet to Work Week Tagged as Animals Cats Jobs & Professions What are the hashtags? #TakeYourCattoWorkDay #NationalTakeYourCattoWorkDay When was it founded? 2022 Who founded it? Pet plan Have we missed something? For those who have gotten into the habit of working from home, cats have perhaps been functioning as coworkers for quite some time now! When it’s time to go into the office, Felix often gets left behind to have the rule over the roost. But on this day, National Take Your Cat to Work Day, it’s the perfect time to bring that playful and clever pal into work to show off to the world! History of National Take Your Cat to Work Day Established and celebrated for the first time in 2022, National Take Your Cat to Work Day was the brainchild of the folks over at Pet plan Pet insurance. The purpose behind the day is to show appreciation ...

Better Breakfast Day (September 25th)

Quick facts When is it? Every September 25th What's the hashtag? #BetterBreakfastDay Have we missed something? I believe in breakfast. It’s the one meal that my kids usually eat without a fuss, so that’s huge. As for myself, I can’t function without it, and I see it as a great way to get some Health y greens in, some coffee, and on a good day, maybe even some news of the world via the newspaper. Samantha Bee Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. It provides your body with the energy that keeps it going throughout the day, and that initial burst of energy that gets you up and out the door. Better Breakfast Day reminds us that if breakfast is good, a solidly balanced, healthy breakfast is just plain better! Learn about Better Breakfast Day You’re probably tired of hearing the saying that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” The reason why this phrase is repeated so much is that it is true. Breakfast is a critical part of the day...

National Cooking Day (September 25th)

Quick facts When is it? Every September 25th What's the hashtag? #NationalCookingDay Who founded it? Have we missed something? We scurry and we scramble trying to make it through the day, rushed for breakfast, hurried for lunch (half an hour? That’s almost impossible!) and exhausted for dinner. Grabbing a quick bite, running through the drive through, getting a take out menu or delivery. But who has time to really cook a homemade meal from scratch these days? Do people even know how to cook anymore? This is certainly a sad state of affairs! National Cooking Day reminds us that there’s nothing that quite matches the flavor, comfort and experience that comes from a delicious home cooked meal. And it also helps us remember that learning how to cook is an important skill to enhance our Health as well as passing various traditions on to friends and family. History of National Cooking Day Obviously, the History of cooking itself probably goes b...

National Family Day (September 25th, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? September 23rd, 2013 September 22nd, 2014 September 28th, 2015 September 26th, 2016 September 25th, 2017 September 24th, 2018 September 23rd, 2019 September 28th, 2020 September 27th, 2021 September 26th, 2022 September 25th, 2023 September 23rd, 2024 September 22nd, 2025 September 28th, 2026 What's the date pattern? Fourth Monday of September Tagged as Family People & Relationships What's the hashtag? #NationalFamilyDay Have we missed something? As the name suggests, National Family Day is an event that is intended to allow loved ones to take a respite from their daily lives and spend quality time together. One of the best things about this occasion is that there is no single “requirement” for the activities to be celebrated; National Family Day is flexible as it is relaxing. Unsurprisingly, this day is held at different times of the year within different parts of the world. Still, the overall intention is the same. As all of us...

National Daylight Appreciation Day (June 21st)

Quick facts When is it? Every June 21st Tagged as Hobbies & Activities Nature & Environment What are the hashtags? #Day light AppreciationDay #NationalDay light AppreciationDay Have we missed something? There’s a point during every year where we experience the longest period of sun light we will experience throughout the entire year. With the exception of the extreme northern and southern portions of the planet, there will be no day longer than this pivotal day, the Summer Solstice. The sun will spend the longest time in the sky, and provide us with the greatest amount of light of any time of the year, and National Day light Appreciation Day is dedicated to celebrating this celestial event. History of National Daylight Appreciation Day Since time out of mind mankind has been aware of the ever-changing pattern of the year, the cycling of long periods of night to long periods of day light . In the past these events were assigned mystical elements, m...

Summer Solstice (June 21st, 2023)

Quick facts When is it? June 20th, 2020 December 21st, 2020 June 21st, 2021 December 21st, 2021 June 21st, 2022 December 21st, 2022 June 21st, 2023 December 22nd, 2023 June 20th, 2024 December 21st, 2024 June 21st, 2025 December 21st, 2025 June 21st, 2026 December 21st, 2026 What's the date pattern? Northern Hemisphere: June 20th or 21st. Southern Hemisphere: December 21st or 22nd. What's the hashtag? #SummerSolstice Have we missed something? Every year, the Earth celebrates the summer solstice on the longest day and shortest night of the year, which officially kicks off the summer season. And this day actually occurs twice a year depending on its location: in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice is usually celebrated on June 20th or 21st and, for the Southern Hemisphere, it usually falls on December 21st or 22nd. Throughout its long History , aside from marking the changing of seasons, the summer solstice has also meant different things in different culture...

National Chocolate Eclair Day (June 22nd)

Quick facts When is it? Every June 22nd Tagged as Chocolate Food & Drink What are the hashtags? #ChocolateEclairDay #NationalChocolateEclairDay Have we missed something? The very word strikes our taste buds like lightning and fills our minds with images of rich cream, light dough, and a creamy topping that just whisks us away to old Paris. National Chocolate Eclair Day celebrates one of the most decadent of treats to come out of the confectioners trade since time out of mind. While there are as many varieties of éclair as there are confectioners to create new delicacies, but the one that is a strong stand by that leaves us all drooling is the Chocolate Éclair. If there was ever a day to recognize as a dessert lover it has to be National Chocolate Eclair Day. Whether you’re a self confessed sweet tooth or a behind the scenes sugary snacker, there is always room for an Éclair! History of National Chocolate Eclair Day Éclair… An enticing name for a treat, it...